由Christopher_创建的Infernal Scrabble Tiles For Dungeons & Dragons Players or Those Who Love A Challenge!

3D model of epicnamefail
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Scrabble with Infernal Script (the language of Devils) Alphabet to replace our...显示更多 own.. let the games begin!
I loved the idea of playing the various word games (like Scrabble) with darker themes, it's also a great talking point when playing. Yes, it is very challenging playing with an unusual alphabet, but hey.. it's something different!
IF you plan on playing it like scrabble know that there is 100 tiles in a Scrabble set:
A-9, B-2, C-2, D-4, E-12, F-2, G-3, H-2, I-9, J-1, K-1, L-4, M-2, N-6, O-8, P-2, Q-1, R-6, S-4, T-6, U-4, V-2, W-2, X-1, Y-2, Z-1 and Blanks-2. (100 total)
79 models uploaded