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STL, PLY, OBJ, 3MF, CDR, DXF, EPS, PDF or SVG files are supported

À propos van der Gevel - 3D Print Service

What started as 'just a hobby' in 2016, when we bought our first 3D printer kit, is now grown into a fun business where clients keep coming back to.
I have had the pleasure of working on numerous assignments, including multiple projects for boardgame organisation M44Brigade.
Where i created the custom pieces for a WW2 boardgame tournament they held each year

Shipping options

Roosendaal, North Brabant, NL
Type d'entreprise Manufacturing Business
La possession Sole proprietorship
Incoterms -
Total des employés <10
Année de création 2022


Aucun avis trouvé

Treatstock Achievement

Registration <1 year
Bonus reward
Up to 10%
Avg. response time more 48h

Exemples de travail / processus de production
