FT Warbird Spinner

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DISCLAIMER: This model aircraft spinner has only been tested by the designer with PLA and specifically with the Emax GT2215/09 1180kv motor. This spinner can fail...Show more at higher RPM's and with improper print settings or lower quality material. Use at your own risk.

This spinner was requested by Josh Bixler of Flite Test to work with the FT MiG-3. It should also work and look nicely with The FT Mustang and the FT Spitfire. Look for new V2 updates to the FT Mustang and Spitfire coming from Flite Test in 2017.

This 2.75" spinner was designed to be used with with the Flite Test Power Pack C (Emax GT2215/09) and has been tested with 3S and 4S LiPo batteries. Printing and testing has been limited to PLA so far.

This is the first in a series of spinners I plan on designing for electric RC aircraft. If you have any specific sizes you would like, or suggestions for improvements to the design, please let me know in the comments.

To attach the spinner: place the bottom half over the prop and through the prop shaft. Secure the bottom half of the spinner and the prop to the motor with the prop nut supplied with your motor. Align the holes in the top of the spinner with the bottom of the spinner and secure using small self tapping servo mount screws.
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